at arrow valley visitors centre
Just like Golf…but great family fun
disc golf
try something new!
Disc Golf is a fun and unique game for all ages and abilities. Played like ordinary golf, Disc Golf uses a flying Disc (frisbee) instead of the usual Golf clubs and balls.
Aiming at targets, the winner will be the player with the fewest throws in completing the course.
All the equipment you will need to play is a Disc (Frisbee) which you can either bring your own or hire them from Arrow Valley Visitors Centre.
A fun Group game
HOW TO PLay disc golf
The Rules
1) Warm up before playing. Try a quick game of throw and catch first.
2) Choose the order in which you will tee off. Youngest to oldest is a popular way.
3) Whoever’s disc is furthest from the target always throws next. even if they have to throw twice in a row.
4) When throwing, your front foot must be behind and within 30cm of where your last shot landed, but you are allowed to follow through.
5) If you are within 10 metres of the target, you can’t follow through and have to be balanced after your throw.
6) After the first hole the player with the lowest score should go first, but it’s up to you
7) Other players should stay behind the thrower and remain still and quiet!
8) If a throw goes ‘out of bounds’ take your next throw from the nearest play point where your disc entered the out of bounds zone. Then add one extra throw to your score for that hole, as a penalty. There is no penalty if you disc gets stuck in tree, just take your next throw from the ground directly below.